Friday, December 14, 2007

Based on what I read on Hoy's blog I tried to do the same thing he did by going to Google Documents. Fortunately, my donkwork has not blocked this site so it appears that I may still be able to post from here. This would be key. I still won't be able to comment on people's blogs (if you see a comment on me during normal eastern standard time work hours, it's from my treo) but at least I will be able to post. That's a small win in my book. Anyways, here's a test post to see if it works. If it does, then I guess for now, this is how I will be posting to my blog.

EDIT - it appears that the title doesn't show up even though on Google Docs, I clearly have a title to this post... Maybe I'll try to figure that out later but I guess this will do for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

アラン、これってgo@ 経由でポストしてるの?それだったらタイトルが入る筈だけどな。iPod touchからもその方法で問題なくポスト出来た。
