Friday, April 17, 2009


I can breathe again... this could be more of a twitter type entry... With earnings call right around the corner, I am "on call" this weekend. However, I am gonna go out tonight to blow off some steam after working pretty sick hours recently. I have a few things I want to blog about (some even poker related!!! shocking, I know) but for now, I just got home from work and just popped open my first cold one. Man, it tastes good. Most likely hitting the clubs tonight... don't wanna get too drunk since I got a pretty heavy workout planned tomorrow (assuming I don't get called in to work) since my duathlon is coming up next weekend. Wait, did I even mention here that I signed up for one? Yes, me, the guy who never ran more than 6.2 miles at once in my life is attempting a duathlon (6.2m run, 26m bike ride, and 3.1m run)... and those are miles, not meters (for anyone in foreign countries who follow the metric system). I'm gonna be dead after the race for sure but it should be fun. We'll see how well I do. Alright, back to relaxing, at least for the evening. I'm out!


Sia said...

Duathlon? Dude, step it up. Real men do Triathlons. Slacker.

- Guy who hasn't run a single mile in 14 years.

jjok said...

every 3 months....earnings.

for 2 weekends I don't see the